Weekly Announcements
Jan 26, 2025
- Do you know someone interested in attending GEMS next school year? GEMS is now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. Please suggest they attend an upcoming Enrollment Information Session to learn more about GEMS. Our next Enrollment Information Session is Wed. Jan. 29 at 6:00pm at GEMS. Please contact the office with any questions.
- Attention 8th Grade Families - It is time to start thinking about high school! The Graham Family of Schools comprises of GEMS, The Graham School, and The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University. However, an application must be submitted before a GEMS student may be enrolled in either high school. Please join us for Enrollment Information Sessions to talk about high school. The Graham School has a Virtual Enrollment Information Session on Thurs. Jan. 30 at 6:30pm. Please visit our website at www.thegrahamfamilyofschools.org for more information.
- Our Habit Target for January is responsibility— Also, our Groovy Gryphon Spirit Day this Friday is Dress Like A Grandparent Day.
- We hope you will join us on Thursday, January 30 beginning at 630 for our Old School Movie Night. Join us for a showing of The Goofy Movie! Bring your favorite comfy chair, blanket, and dinner to enjoy the movie.
Jan 19, 2025
- Do you know someone interested in attending GEMS next school year? GEMS is now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. Please suggest they attend an upcoming Enrollment Information Session to learn more about GEMS. Our next Enrollment Information Session is Wed. Jan. 29 at 6:00pm at GEMS. Please contact the office with any questions.
- Attention 8th Grade Families - It is time to start thinking about high school! The Graham Family of Schools comprises GEMS, The Graham School, and The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University. However, an application must be submitted before a GEMS student may be enrolled in either high school. Please join us for Enrollment Information Sessions to talk about high school. The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University has an upcoming Enrollment Information Session on Wed. Jan. 22 at 6:00pm. The Graham School has a Virtual Enrollment Information Session on Thurs. Jan. 30 at 6:30pm. Please visit our website at www.thegrahamfamilyofschools.org for more information.
- Our Habit Target for the month of January is responsibility—ask your students how they have shown responsibility in their classrooms and within our GEMS community. Also, our Groovy Gryphon Spirit Day this Friday is Superhero Day. Students can dress as their favorite superhero, but no weapons or masks of any kind, please.
- If your student needs a winter coat, we have received coats from Just 4 Them Ohio, who has partnered with Operation Warm Coats. You should have received a link to request a coat. If you have not received that link, please reach out to your child's teacher or to the office so we can get you the link.
- We hope you will join us on Thursday, January 30 beginning at 630 for our Old School Movie Night. Join us for a showing of The Goofy Movie! We hope to see you there!
January 12, 2025
- Do you know someone interested in attending GEMS next school year? GEMS is now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. Please suggest they attend an upcoming Enrollment Information Session to learn more about GEMS. Our next Enrollment Information Session is this Wed. Jan. 15 at 6:00pm at GEMS. Please contact the office with any questions.
- Attention 8th Grade Families - It is time to start thinking about high school! The Graham Family of Schools comprises GEMS, The Graham School, and The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University. However, an application must be submitted before a GEMS student may be enrolled in either high school. Please join us for Enrollment Information Sessions to talk about high school. The Graham School has an Enrollment Information Session on Tues. Jan. 14 at 6:30pm and The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University has an upcoming Enrollment Information Session on Wed. Jan. 22 at 6:00pm. Please visit our website at www.thegrahamfamilyofschools.org for more information.
- Please join us on January 16th from 5:30 to 7:00pm for our Celebration of Learning. Join us as we celebrate as students tell their stories of their learning and reflect on their successes and challenges. There will also be a performance from our Orchestra.
- Our Habit Target for the month of January is responsibility- ask your students how they have shown responsibility while in their classroom and within our GEMS community.
- Please note, that there is no school on January 17th due to a professional development day for staff or January 20th due to the observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Jan 5, 2025
- Happy New Year! We are looking forward to the second half of the 24-25 school year.
- We will welcome students back on Tuesday, January 7. If we need to close school due to weather, be sure to look out for phone calls, social media posts, or news postings.
- Do you know someone interested in attending GEMS? GEMS is now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. Please suggest they attend an upcoming Enrollment Information Session. Sessions are to learn more about GEMS. Our next Session is Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 6:00 p.m. at GEMS. Please contact the office with any questions.
- Please join us on January 16th from 5:30 to 7:00 for our Celebration of Learning. Join us as we celebrate as students tell their stories of their learning and reflect on their successes and challenges. There will also be a performance from our Orchestra.
- Please note, there is no school on January 17th due to a professional development day for staff or January 20th due to the observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
- Thank you for being a part of the GEMS family, be safe, and have a great week.
Dec. 15, 2024
- Thank you to everyone who attended the 4th Mingle Jingle Family Dance. Over 160 students and families came out. Thank you once again to all the volunteers and donors who made this event special.
- Our Habit focus for the rest of December is thoughtfulness. Ask your child how they are being thoughtful while at school. Our K-5 students are working on a kickboard percentage of 85% or higher for December to be invited to a movie party in January when we return from break. Please have conversations with your child about how their decisions surrounding behavior affect their kickboard percentage both negative and positive.
- Our Groovy Gryphon Spirit Day this Friday is Winter Headgear. Students can wear winter hats, holiday headbands, scarves, or whatever else they consider winter headgear. Please note that ski masks will not be allowed, as students' faces can not be fully covered. Kickboard points will be given for participation.
- If your student is sick, including fever, vomiting, or a continuous cough, please keep them at home. We want to keep our community healthy, especially as we approach winter break.
- Friday, December 20 is our last day of school for 2024. Students will return to school January 7th, 2025.
- As always, thank you for being a part of the GEMS family, have a great week and a wonderful holiday season!! Stay safe and we will see you in 2025!
Dec, 8, 2024
- Join us for our Mingle Jingle Family Dance this Wednesday, December 11th from 6:00-8:30pm. It is dress to impress- whatever that means to and your family. Join us for music, dancing, crafts, and desserts. If you would like to donate to the dessert table, they can be given to the front office starting tomorrow or brought to the dance. We look forward to seeing you!
- The scholastic book fair is back. Students will get a chance to make a wish list this week and shop later in the week. Families will also get the chance to shop during the Mingle Jingle. Shopping hours on Wednesday evening will be from 6:00-7:30pm.
- There are only 10 days left until Winter break.
- Our Habit we are focusing on for the rest of December is thoughtfulness. Ask your child how they are being thoughtful while at school. Our K-5 students are working on a kickboard percentage of 85% or higher for December to be invited to a movie party in January when we return from break.
- Our Groovy Gryphon Spirit Day this week is Ugly Sweater Day. On Friday students are encouraged to wear their ugly sweaters. Kickboard points will be given for participation.
- As a reminder when dropping off in the morning please pull past the gym ramp to ensure staff members are able to get into the lot and reduce backed up traffic. In addition, please be sure to make room for buses so they can pull close to the curb, avoiding the need to load or unload in the middle of the street. We also ask that you avoid leaving your vehicle in a way that blocks the road. We want to be considerate neighbors and ensure traffic can still move along 16th Avenue during our busiest times
- Also if your student is sick, including fever, vomiting, or a continuous cough, please keep them at home. We want to keep our community healthy, especially as we approach winter break
Dec. 1, 2024
- Mark your calendars for our second after-school paint along at 6pm on Thursday, December 5th with art teachers Ms. Claire and Ms. Carissa. It will take place in the gym! Join us for a free, fun community art activity. All family members are welcome!
- Be on the lookout for your special invite to our Mingle Jingle Family Dance on December 11th from 6- 830. It is dress to impress- whatever that means to your family. Join us for music, dancing, crafts, and desserts. If you would like to donate to the dessert table, they can be given to the front office or brought to the dance. We look forward to seeing you!
- As a reminder, there will be no school for students this Friday, December 6 due to a professional development day for staff.
Nov 24, 2024
- Just as a reminder, there is no school for students this week. Student-led conferences are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of this week. If you have not scheduled a conference time, please reach out.
- Thank you to everyone who attended Family Game Night this past Thursday! Be on the lookout for your special invite to our Mingle Jingle Family Dance on December 11th from 6:00-8:30pm. It is dress to impress- whatever that means to your family. We look forward to seeing you!
- Another special thank you to everyone who donated to the school wide food drive. Over 1600 items were donated which will be used for Thanksgiving baskets for our GEMS community as well as donated to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.
- Mark your calendars for our second after-school paint along will be at 6:00pm on Thursday, December 5th with art teachers Ms. Claire and Ms. Carissa. It will take place in the gym! Come join us for a free, fun community art activity. All family members are welcome!
- As always, thank you for being a part of the GEMS family, we hope the week is filled with family, fun, and gratitude- have a great week!
Nov. 17, 2024
- This week our Habit focus of the week, and for the next few weeks is teamwork—our Groovy Gryhon Spirit Day this Friday is twin day.
- Students in K-5 are working to maintain an 85% and above kickboard positivity rating from November 1 until the end of the month to be invited to our Glow Dance Party. Encourage your student to work towards maintaining their 85% and above every day.
- As a reminder, during arrival and dismissal, please do your best to make room for buses so they can pull close to the curb, avoiding the need to load or unload in the middle of the street. We also ask that you avoid leaving your vehicle in a way that blocks the road. We want to be considerate neighbors and ensure traffic can still move along 16th Avenue during our busiest times. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Join us for our Family Game Night and bake sale this Thursday, November 21st at 530pm. Bring a board game to share and get ready to get competitive! Please note that students must attend with an adult and cannot stay after school to wait for game night to start- outside of those students who participate in the after-school program.
- Hopefully, by now you have received the important calendar changes. As a reminder there will be no school for students the week of the 25th- however, you should have received information to sign up for Student Led Conferences on November 25th and November 26.
- We are continuing to accept donations in a school-wide drive to support Thanksgiving baskets. Donations will be accepted until November 22. High needs include Cans of corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, mashed potato packs, dessert mixes, cornbread boxes, or giftcards. Please reach out with any questions..
- Mark your calendars for our second after-school paint along will be at 6pm on Thursday, December 5th with art teachers Ms. Claire and Ms. Carissa. It will take place in the gym! Come join us for a free, fun community art activity. All family members are welcome!
Nov 10, 2024
- This week our Habit focus of the week, and for the next few weeks is teamwork. Ask your students how they are displaying teamwork at school within our GEMS community. Our Groovy Gryhon Spirit Day this Friday is Red Carpet, I'm a star- students can dress their best as if walking the red carpet. Also, students in K-5 are working to maintain an 85% and above kickboard positivity rating from November 1 until the end of the month to be invited to our Glow Dance Party during the school day at the end of November. Encourage your student to work towards maintaining their 85% and above every day.
- As a reminder, during arrival and dismissal, please do your best to make room for buses so they can pull close to the curb, avoiding the need to load or unload in the middle of the street. We also ask that you avoid leaving your vehicle in a way that blocks the road. We want to be considerate neighbors and ensure traffic can still move along 16th Avenue during our busiest times. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Join us for our Family Game Night and bake sale on November 21st at 5:30pm. Bring a board game to share and get ready to get competitive!
- Hopefully, by now you have received the important calendar changes. There is now no school on Monday, November 25, and Tuesday, November 26. Those are now PD Days for student-led conferences. Students are out this full week. We now have school on Wednesday, December 4, and Thursday, December 5. December 6 will still be no school for a professional development day.
- Grade cards for Quarter 1 have been mailed and should be received this week.
- Be on the lookout for information surrounding requests for Thanksgiving baskets for GEMS families in need. Click here for more information. We are also accepting donations in a school-wide drive to support Thanksgiving baskets. Donations will be accepted until November 22. High needs include Cans of corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, mashed potato packs, dessert mixes, cornbread boxes, or giftcards. Please reach out with any questions. Classes and crews are also in competition to collect items. We hope to serve even more families than in the past.
Nov 3, 2024
- Thank you so much to all of the families who attended and donated to our Trunk or Treat event last week. It was a great time and a great turnout. We couldn’t do it without all of the support!
- Please continue to remind your students of our 5 school-wide expectations:
- We always walk in the building
- We keep our hands, body, and objects to ourselves
- We stay where we are supposed to be
- We put our phones and electronics away during the school day- we are a cell phone and earbud-free building from 8:30am to 3:15pm
- We communicate using school-appropriate language
- Thank you for your continued partnership as we continue to grow and develop our school community.
- This week our Habit focus of the week, and for the next few weeks is teamwork. Ask your students how they are displaying teamwork at school within our GEMS community. Our Groovy Gryhon Spirit Day this Friday will be pajama day.
- As a reminder, during arrival and dismissal, please do your best to make room for buses so they can pull close to the curb, avoiding the need to load or unload in the middle of the street. We also ask that you avoid leaving your vehicle in a way that blocks the road. We want to be considerate neighbors and ensure traffic can still move along 16th Avenue during our busiest times. Thank you for your cooperation
- Join us for our Family Game Night and bake sale on November 21st at 5:30pm. Bring a board game to share and get ready to get competitive!
- Also Mark your calendars for our second after-school paint along will be at 6:00pm on Thursday, December 5th with art teachers Ms. Claire and Ms. Carissa. It will take place in the gym! Come join us for a free, fun community art activity. All family members are welcome!
Oct. 27, 2024
- Join us on October 29, 2024, this Tuesday, from 6-8 for our Trunk or Treat Event- we are still looking for candy donations and those who may want to volunteer to pass out treats from their trunk. Information has been shared with families. If you have not received information, please feel free to reach out.
- Please continue to remind your students of our 5 school-wide expectations:
- We always walk in the building
- We keep our hands, body, and objects to ourselves
- We stay where we are supposed to be
- We put our phones and electronics away during the school day- we are a cell phone and earbud-free building from 8:30am to 3:15pm
- We communicate using school-appropriate language
- Thank you for your continued partnership as we continue to grow and develop our school community.
- This week there are 2 Groovy Gryphon spirit days! On Thursday students may come to school wearing school-appropriate costumes—no mask or weapons of any kind. Friday will be stuffed animal day where students can bring in their favorite stuffed animal. If stuff animals become a distraction, students will have them taken away and they will have to pick them up at the end of the school day.
Oct. 20, 2024
- College Access Night will take place on October 22 from 430-8:00pm at The Charles School at Ohio Dominican. This event is for students in grades 6-12. It includes an international dinner, and information from experts on Financial Aid, graduation pathways, career technical education, and much more!
- Middle School Students have an opportunity to attend the fall dance. The fall dance is on Wednesday, October 23 from 6 to 8. Students must have an 85% Kickboard positivity rating to be invited to attend. The cost is $2 and paid at the door.
- Join us on October 29, 2024, from 6-8 for our Trunk or Treat Event- we are looking for candy donations as well as those who may want to volunteer to pass out treats from their trunk. Information has been shared with families. If you have not received information, please feel free to reach out
- Monday, October 21 & Wednesday, October 23- 3rd Grade with participate in Ohio State Testing- please ensure your students are at school and ready to do their very best
- There is no school this Thursday and Friday for students. These days are professional development days for staff
- Please continue to remind your students of our 5 school-wide expectations:
- We always walk in the building
- We keep our hands, body, and objects to ourselves
- We stay where we are supposed to be
- We put our phones and electronics away during the school day- we are a cell phone and earbud-free building from 830am to 315pm
- We communicate using school-appropriate language
- Thank you for your continued partnership as we continue to grow and develop our school community
Oct 13, 2024
- As a reminder, the school office will be closed between 2:30 and 3:30 and students can only be picked up if the office has been previously notified. This helps to keep our dismissal process efficient. Any dismissal changes must be communicated to the office by 2:00 PM
- All parents visiting the building must enter through the front doors and sign into the front office. Please do not attempt to enter through any other door. In addition, visiting classrooms must be scheduled. It is important that visitors sign into the office to keep our community safe and all visitors accounted for
- Thank you to everyone who joined us for curriculum night this past Wednesday. We hope you have gained more insight into what your students have been learning in class.
- College Access Night will take place on October 22 from 4:30- 8:00pm at The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University. This event is for students in grades 6-12. It includes an international dinner, and information from experts on Financial Aid, graduation pathways, career technical education, and much more!
- Middle School Students have an opportunity to attend the fall dance. The fall dance is on October 23 from 6:00-8:00pm. Students must have an 85% Kickboard positivity rating to be invited to attend. The cost is $2 and paid at the door.
- Join us on October 29, 2024, from 6:00-8:00pm for our Trunk or Treat Event- we are looking for candy donations as well as those who may want to volunteer to pass out treats from their trunk. If you have any questions, please reach out.
- This Friday and every Friday is Groovy Gryphon Spirit Day— this Friday is Hat Day and perseverance will continue to be our Habit focus.
Oct 6, 2024
- As a reminder, the school office will be closed between 2:30 and 3:30 and students will only be able to be picked up if the office has been previously notified. This helps to keep our dismissal process efficient. Any dismissal changes must be communicated to the office by 2:15 PM
- All parents visiting the building must enter through the front doors and sign into the front office. Please do not attempt to enter through any other door. In addition, visiting classrooms must be scheduled. It is important that visitors sign into the office to keep our community safe and all visitors accounted for.
- Join us on October 9th from 5:30- 7pm for Curriculum night. Meet your students' teachers and gain insight into what they are learning in the classroom. We hope to see you then!
- October 9th, is Picture Day for students.
- Middle School Students have an opportunity to attend the fall dance. The fall dance is on October 23 from 6:00-8:00pm. Students must have an 85% Kickboard positivity rating to be invited to attend. The cost is $2 and paid at the door.
- Join us on October 29, 2024 from 6:00-8:00pm for our Trunk or Treat Event- we are looking for candy donations as well as those who may want to volunteer to pass out treats from their trunk. Be on the lookout for the flyer being sent out this week for more information and ways to donate or volunteer.
- This Friday and every Friday is Groovy Gryphon Spirit Day— this Friday is Dress in One Color Day
Sept. 29, 2024
- Thank you to all the families who attended our Skate Party this past Wednesday. We had such a great time and look forward to more family engagement events occurring every month.
- As a reminder, please note any dismissal changes must be communicated to the office by 2:15 PM.
- The school office will be closed between 2:30 and 3:30 and students will only be able to be picked up if the office has been called ahead of time. This helps to keep our dismissal process efficient.
- All parents visiting the building must enter through the front doors and sign into the front office. Please do not attempt to enter through any other door .In addition, visiting classrooms must be scheduled. It is important that visitors sign into the office to keep our community safe and all visitors accounted for
- Join us on October 9th from 5:30- 7:00pm for Curriculum night. Meet your students teachers and learn more about what they are learning in the classroom. We hope to see you then!
- Picture Day is October 9th, please be on the lookout for more information to purchase photos.
- This Friday and every Friday is Groovy Gryphon Spirit Day— this Friday is Dress to Un-Impress. Tacky, Wacky, Mix Match- we know students will get creative.
- Lastly, as a reminder, we are a cell phone-free building from 8:30 AM to 3:15 PM, in line with the new state-wide policy and is part of our 5 school-wide expectations. If you need to reach your child, please call the front office.
Sep 22, 2024
- Thank you for your cooperation during arrival and dismissal each day Please note any dismissal changes must be communicated by 2:15 PM. The school office will be closed between 2:30 and 3:30 and students will not be able to be picked up unless the office has been called ahead of time. This helps to keep our dismissal process efficient and safe.
- As a reminder, all parents visiting the building must enter through the front doors and sign into the front office. Visiting classrooms must be scheduled. It is important that visitors sign into the office to keep our community safe and all visitors accounted for
- If your child is sick, keep them home. They must be fever-free for 24 hours without medication before returning. If your child will be absent from school please send an email to [email protected]
- Please plan to join us September 25th at Skatezone 71 from 5-8 for our GEMS skate party. Admissions is $5 and an additional $6 for skate rental. This event is also a school fundraiser for our family crew. We hope to see you there!
- Please note, there will not be school for students on Thursday (9/26/24) and Friday (9/27/24) this week. These are both professional development days for staff.
- Lastly, as a reminder, we are a cell phone-free building from 8:30 AM to 3:15 PM, in line with the new state-wide policy and is part of our 5 school-wide expectations. If you need to reach your child, please call the front office.
Sept. 15, 2024
- As a reminder, Morning drop-off begins at 8:00 AM. Students will enter the gym at 8:00 and go to classrooms at 8:15. Students can enter through the front and back doors from 815 until 830. When dropping off by the gym doors, please pull past the ramp. This will help with traffic flow and get more cars within the lot as well as help staff members enter the lot.
- For dismissal beginning at 3:15PM - K-4 students are picked up in the back lot. If you have students in both K-4 and 5-8, please use the front car line by the gym doors.
- Please note any dismissal changes must be communicated by 2:15 PM.
- Please stay in your cars during dismissal. This helps us to move traffic safely and quickly
- Also pick up, of students from the office, will not be permitted between 2:30-3:15PM unless the office has been called ahead of time
- As a reminder, all parents visiting the building must enter through the front doors and sign into the front office. Visiting classrooms must be scheduled. Thank you for keeping our building safe.
- If your child is sick, keep them home. They must be fever-free for 24 hours without medication before returning. We appreciate your support on this matter as we keep our community healthy
- This Friday and every Friday is Groovy Gryphon Spirit Day— this Friday is Workout Gear Day! Students can wear their school-appropriate workout gear!
- Please plan to join us September 25th at Skatezone 71 from 5:00-8:00PM for our GEMS skate party. Admissions is $5 and an additional $6 for skate rental. This event is also a school fundraiser for our family crew. We hope to see you there!
- Lastly, as a reminder, we are a cell phone-free building from 8:30 AM to 3:15 PM, in line with the new state-wide policy and is part of our 5 school-wide expectations. If you need to reach your child, please call the front office.
Aug 25, 2024
- If your student will not be attending GEMS this school year, but you have still received this message, please call the school office or email [email protected]
- Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so excited to welcome you back in a little over a week, on Tuesday, September 3rd.
- We hope to see you at Back to School night this Wednesday, August 28th from 6 to 730 pm. Come and meet your child’s teacher, school supplies, and hotdogs while supplies last. This will also be a great time to bring any enrollment paperwork that has not been submitted. We look forward to seeing you!
September 1
We’re thrilled to welcome your student back this Tuesday, September 3rd! A big thank you to everyone who attended Back to School Night—it really set the tone for an amazing year ahead.
Here are a few important updates:
Each day, from 8:00 to 8:15 AM, all students will enter through the green gym doors. After 8:15, students can enter through the back lot or the gym doors. Breakfast service begins at 8:00 AM, and school officially starts at 8:30 AM.
For dismissal, students in grades K-4 should be picked up at the back of the building. If you have students in grades 5-8 or both K-4 and 5-8, please use the car line at the front of the building near the gym doors. To ensure a smooth process, we ask that you remain in your car and avoid walking up to the pickup area. Your patience as we settle into the routine is greatly appreciated.
Please note that the front office will be closed from 3:00 to 3:30 PM to facilitate a quicker dismissal. If there are any changes to your child’s dismissal plans, inform the front office by 2:15 PM.
This Friday, and every Friday, is Groovy Gryphon Spirit Day! This week is GEMS Spirit Day, Students can wear GEMS gear or something green to participate.. We’ll also be focusing on our Habits of Learning, starting with perseverance. Ask your child how they’ve shown perseverance at school or at home and how they’re being a Change Agent.
This year, all students will follow our five school-wide expectations, including our cell phone policy. We are a cell phone-free building from 8:30 AM to 3:15 PM. If you need to reach your student, please call the front office. This policy aligns with the new state-wide cell phone law.
Thank you for being part of the GEMS family. Let’s make this school year amazing!
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
- If your student will not be attending GEMS this school year, but you have still received this message, please call the school office (614) 253-4000 or email [email protected]
- Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so excited to welcome you back in a little over a week, on Tuesday, September 3rd.
- We hope to see you at Back to School night this Wednesday, August 28th from 6 to 730 pm. Come and meet your child’s teacher, school supplies, and hotdogs while supplies last.. This will also be a great time to bring any enrollment paperwork that has not been submitted. We look forward to seeing you!