College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus

Ohio’s new College Credit Plus can help you earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from colleges and/or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college­ ready students. Taking a College Credit Plus course from a public college or university is free to the student, as long as they pass the course, which means no cost for tuition, books, or fees. If a student chooses to attend a private college or university, the family may be responsible for some costs. If a student takes and fails a College Credit Plus course, they may be responsible for some costs associated with the course.

Graham has had students participate in CCP classes at Ohio State University, Columbus State Community College, Ohio Dominican University, and Ohio Christian University. Graham has a relationship with the colleges already in place, but is ready to expand to other colleges in order to meet the needs of Graham Students.

There are many important facts students and parents should know about taking CCP classes, including deadlines to tell Graham you are interested, as well as application and registration deadlines the college or university may have. Students and families can obtain more information about CCP at

For questions, comments, and concerns please reach out to a school counselor at TGS. You may also find more information about CCP at our school counseling website.
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