The School:
TGS is a public community secondary school with a charter granted by the State of Ohio. Open to Ohio students in grades 9-12, the school's main focus is experiential education in a small-school setting where all students are known by all staff members. The Graham School serves approximately 250 students annually. Its demographic characteristics reflect those of urban Columbus and Central Ohio.
The Graham School will forge powerful relationships among staff and students, and support each member in social and emotional development, experiential learning opportunities, and collaborative academic learning, while encouraging career exploration which empowers graduates to thrive in their personal and professional lives.
Vision Statement:
The Graham School strives to be a unique collective of learners. We cultivate ownership of our educational journeys to develop strong hearts and minds. We purposefully build lives that positively impact our communities.
Core Values:
At Graham...
- We are a safe, positive school climate
- We solve problems together in a peaceful, restorative way
- We embrace diversity
- We reflect on our experiences in order to gain fresh perspective and inform future outcomes
- We encourage a growth mindset for students and staff
- We believe that learning is a priority and time spent in class and community is essential
- We use these Habits of Learning as foundational principles --Adventure & Risk, Perseverance, Self-Direction, Service & Stewardship, and Teamwork & Collaboration
- We believe that cultivating these habits has a profound impact on student achievement and the ability to thrive, both in school and beyond
- We create belonging within our school and honor our connection to the world community
- We celebrate an open mind, an open heart and an open hand
- We are CREW, not passengers
Habits of Learning
Self-Direction: We are dedicated to the learning process and set goals for our learning and behavior. We take ownership of our work and our actions; take initiative when we are supposed to, and especially when there is no one looking. We strive for mastery and expertise through the process of revision and pride in craftsmanship, ultimately seeking to become artisans.
We never give up. We work hard and keep trying, even and especially when it gets tough. We recognize when we need help and elicit it. We are resourceful and work to solve problems creatively. We understand that some things are going to be hard- yet we persist to achieve more than we thought we could. We can adapt to challenges, remaining diligent and establishing a network of social and academic supports. We continue to revise our work until expectations are met or exceeded.
Teamwork & Collaboration: “We are crew, not passengers.” We work together to meet our goals, supporting each other through the journey. We celebrate each other’s successes and problem solve, when necessary. We are a team. We hold each other accountable for our actions, goals, and achievements. We cultivate relationships to enhance and strengthen bonds of commitment to our community.
Service & Stewardship: We “get smart to do good” in our community. We see service not as an isolated action, but as a way of being a member of a community. We take responsibility for our community and the environment around us by caring for each other and our surroundings. Our campus reflects our talents, creativity, and commitment to maintaining beautiful spaces. We think about how our words and actions affect the people around us; work to be kind and considerate to others; and seek to understand and relate to diverse perspectives.
Adventure & Risk: We honor and model our school motto, “Encounter the World and Engage the Mind” by pursuing challenges and opportunities outside of our comfort zone that allow us to grow. We are courageous, passionate, and attentive to our self-discovery. We understand that there are many routes to knowledge and realize that failure along the journey is essential to learning. We believe that success without the experience of adversity brings only a limited sense of accomplishment.